May 9, 2023

Senior Portrait Sessions

graduation photos
senior portraits

Senior portrait sessions are commonly requested today to accommodate graduation photos. For school photos, we might be wearing a ‘comfortable’ outfit (as we don’t want to look like we’re trying too hard right?) and have approximately five minutes with the photographer. Therefore, it can be pretty difficult to get that great portrait of yourself. Yet, our families are so proud of this accomplishment that they want to share photos with extended family and friends. For all these reasons and more, senior portrait sessions are often booked separately. A session where you have dedicated time, the ability to customize from photoshoot location to any other attendees (family or friends) joining for the session, outfits of choice and have access to the photographer’s makeup and hair stylists. I’ll explain further below.

Makeup & Hair Styling

As with all my studio portrait sessions, a professional makeover is a great way to start your senior portrait session (where applicable), calming the nerves and getting acclimated. It’s also super fun, empowering and gives that little boost of confidence. Working with a photographer’s makeup and hair team is also ideal for various reasons. Makeup artists (MUA) are carefully selected by photographers e.g. professionalism, personality, style etc. You should be able to get the makeover that you wish: whether light, for a natural enhancement to full coverage glam. The MUA also understands the photographer’s style and how they like the hair and makeup done. In addition, since you’re already in the photographer’s studio, you’re also able to start the photoshoot right away and not have to travel to your photographer and risk ruining your makeup or hair in poor weather conditions e.g. humidity, rain etc.


Where would you like your senior portrait session to take place? Outdoors, in studio or perhaps a combo of both? Perhaps you plan to study environmental science and want a beautiful park like setting. Or maybe, you’re pursing professional football and want to get photographed on the field. The photos from this senior portrait session above/below is a combination of studio and outdoors as fortunately, my studio is located in an area that offered flexibility for this client to do both in one session.

Props, outfits and attendees are also various options you can customize. When speaking with your photographer you may want to have family members or your friends join for your senior portrait session. Or perhaps you want portraits with your dog, prom attire, sports jerseys, your favorite outfit etc etc. Your senior portrait session should tell your story so you should have the ability to customize with multiple looks according to your hobbies, interests and style.

It Should be an Empowering Experience!

As important as it is to create artful images it should be equally important to ENJOY this experience! I always tell my clients that feeling that you’re not photogenic is not a gene that you’re missing, it’s just comfortability in front of the camera! Your comfortability is completely the photographer’s responsibility. I will guide you, pose you and take the pressure off so that you can just focus on having fun. It should be a memorable and stress free experience where you can look back on this keepsake proudly and fondly.


Andy Warhol once said “The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.” It’s an obvious statement, but senior portraits truly captures a special time and an amazing accomplishment in your life. We photographers, want you to be able to celebrate this special time with legacy portraits and an empowering experience. To learn more feel free to contact me.

senior portraits
graduation photos
senior graduation photo

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